Jan 21, 2010

Hello Rain

Just thought about posting something about the rain today while on my break. So I was just walking through it and had a dejavu is that the way it is spelled any way I remember when I was a kid and I loved to walk in the rain and get wet. Now I can't stand it what happens when we grow up do we lose our desire to have fun for fear of looking dorky or what? I don't know if I ever didn't look dorky I think I have always been a dork but that's ok people for some reason still love me so I guess thats all for now cause I aint got nothing left to say hasta my peeps.


RaD said...

Hasta my Peeps? Are you tryin' to be cool or somethin'?

Yes, I think we become dorkier as we get older, definitly.

Kimberly :) said...

Head dork here; dorkiness is what makes people love us. It gets past their defenses because we're not "pretending" to be cool or fancy or smart and get control over them. (Then they find out that we're cool or fancy or smart.) And now we can TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!

maybe its Rudy

maybe its Rudy

Buddy with a volley ball

Buddy with a volley ball