May 4, 2010

I am Back...

It's been awhile since I have been posting anything so I figured that it may be time to start out again. Let me begin with its been one roller coaster of a time Whew no kidding, Some days are good and some are great then there are the occasional wacky ones. I have really needed to talk to someone but at times I feel like there really is no one. I hate that feeling I begin to wonder where loyalties begin and ananimity I think thats the word kick in I truly do need to talk to someone please Lord as I pray show me that person that I can be safe with my deepest secrets that are really taking a lot out of me spiritually and physically. Please if you read this pray for me. Seriously

1 comment:

RaD said...

Praying for you my friend!

maybe its Rudy

maybe its Rudy

Buddy with a volley ball

Buddy with a volley ball