Mar 1, 2010

Happy Monday....

I just wanted to stop in and tell about all of the wonderful things that God is bringing us through. My husband has really been trying to be wonderman I would say superman but (he's afraid to fly) seriously. I am not trying to be funny even though it sounds like it but he is really doing all that he can to take care of Harmony and me and still keep his sanity which is not an easy task. Cause anyone who knows us knows we are not the two easiest gals to get along with all joking aside. So please say a prayer for us all as we are all working toward the same goal I hope.


Michelle said...

HEY!! I've seen those people before!

I will definately say a prayer for you! I know all too well how hard it is to be lived with.. (me)


RaD said...

Hey, Michelle jumped on board! You're gonna love her! Make sure to visit her blog too because she's a funny one.

Does Mike know you are bragging about him here?

maybe its Rudy

maybe its Rudy

Buddy with a volley ball

Buddy with a volley ball