Oct 7, 2009

"Rock Of Ages Concert"

Harmony with Cuckoo her new best friend and while she was throwing her voice as a professional ventriloquist.
Samson with a very popular shirt at the concert

Daniel with the same shirt saying only in pink and white

Pastor Rob enjoying the music and fellowship with the youth and the adults.

My Honey pretending like he doesn't know I am taking his picture he really enjoyed the whole day. He can't wait for next year maybe I will have a new camera for those close up shots.

On Saturday we had a great time at the concert with all kinds of bands some were a little more wild then the others. The photos above are just some of the ones that I had a chance to upload there will be more later. I hope to get them on my blog.

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maybe its Rudy

maybe its Rudy

Buddy with a volley ball

Buddy with a volley ball