Oct 19, 2009

A New Day...

I just finished working and went on to facebook and found Harmony's girl scout leader Katie just had a baby and found out that he has downs syndrome. I also found out that she is also a fellow blogger such as myself. I want to get in touch with her and let her know that she is in my thoughts and prayers for her family and herself as well. I also agree that God will never give us more than we can handle but you will be amazed at how much you can stretch. I have been going through a little of a battle myself actually fighting with myself over some things and as one of our pastors spoke yesterday I felt relief. Some thing that I have been doing is trying to solve things myself and leaving God out of the picture He says that the battle belongs to Him. I need to surrender to Him and watch Him do the work I keep getting in His way as if to tell Him I want it this way or that way I am such a back seat driver even to God. I am thick skulled but very thin skinned at the same time so I have to be careful I get easily hurt so now I am going to give my issues to God and let Him fully handle it. Pray for me to leave it alone as I turn it over.


Anonymous said...

You are a blessing to God!

Cheesemakin' Mamma said...

This is a great reminder for us all! When we are weak, He is strong. Sounds like God is having his way with you. Keep up the good work!

God Bless,

maybe its Rudy

maybe its Rudy

Buddy with a volley ball

Buddy with a volley ball